The management of Work Health and Safety (WHS) in the workplacehas become an increasingly important undertaking for allbusinesses and individuals working in the building andconstruction industry. It is also a legal requirement to complywith the safety legislation WHS Act 2012 and the WHSRegulation 2017. With the introduction of the Work Health andSafety (WHS) Legislation in Australia on 1 January 2012, OHSbecame WHS and the management of people’s health, safety,and welfare has continued to be important considerations formembers, with some of the duties and requirements amplifiedfrom the previous legislative framework.
Training and Inductions, Safety Management Plans andSystems, and Safe Work Method Statements will continueto place an increasing onus on building and constructionbusinesses, and on trades, to “get it right” the first time.
With over 30 years industry experience, Master BuildersSafety Department continues to be recognised as an unrivalledindustry leader in the provision of health and safety services.These services include:
- Information services and advice
- Site Safety Inspections
- Site Safety audits
- Dispute resolution and incident response
- Site WHS Management Plans (Site Safety Plans)
- Representation within the industry
- Risk management & consultancy services
- SuperSafe Training Course
- Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) advice
- Safety Management Systems (WHSMS, EHSMS, QHSMS and IMS)
As the 山 is a FederallyRegistered Organisation under the Fair Work Act 2009, wecan provide accreditation for contractors’ Safety, Quality andEnvironmental Management Systems under NSW GovernmentProcurement Guidelines.
Additionally, the 山 Safety Department staff are certifiedExemplar Global Lead Auditors who are accredited with JAS/ANZ.This is often a GC21 requirement for contractors when 3rdparty audits form a contractual requirement.
Contractors seeking accreditation of their Management Systemsare required to meet the following NSWGovernment Procurement Guideline requirements:
- IMS – Integrated Management System (IMS)
- AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018
- AS/NZS ISO 14001:2016
- AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016
- NSW Government WHS Management System Auditing Guidelines for construction procurement Edition 6December 2019
- NSW Government Environmental Management
- NSW Government Quality Guidelines December 2019
For enquiries regarding our WHS services, please contact the Master Builders Safety Team on (02)85863555 or email:
Safety, Housing & Technical e-Circulars
山 Work Health and Safety, Housing & Technical e-Circulars contain pertinent and topical information for members on work health and safety and industry related matters.e-Circulars are emailed to 山 members to keep them up-to-date on relevant WHS, Housing & Technical matters.
- 2024 WHS e-Circulars
- 2023 WHS e-Circulars
- 2022 WHS e-Circulars
- 2021 WHS e-Circulars
- 2020 WHS e-Circulars
- 2019 WHS e-Circulars
- 2018 WHS e-Circulars
- 2017 WHS e-Circulars
SuperSafe Course
SuperSafe is a two day Building and Construction Industry specific work health and safety training course targeted at construction site supervisors.Supersafe has been developed on behalf of the Construction Safety Alliance (CSA) with the support and assistance of Master Builders as well as WorkCover NSW.
The course has been designed to reflect current approaches to developing a safety culture in the construction industry and has been aligned with parts of the Construction Safety Competency Framework (CSCF), “Improving OHS performance by creating and maintaining a safety culture” and Cert IV WHS.
Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
In NSW, Site Specific SWMS are required for all High Risk Construction Work (HRCW) activities regardless of the value of the project. There are 18 categories of HRCW; Master Builders has provided to members in relation to SWMS since their inception.
Master Builders offers its Members a HRCW SWMS template, checklist, monitoring form and register to meet current WHS Legislation or client requirements.
Price to purchase the SWMS suite of four (4) Template documents is:
- Member Cost: $0
- Non-Member Cost: $350suite of four+ GST
Please note the SWMS 山 NSW provide are blank templates that align with SWNSW legislative requirements. As such ALL SWMS need to be completed complete in consultation with the people that are going to perform the work, as per the NSW Construction Code of Practice 2019, section 4.2 page 26.
Members can contact 山 Safety to obtain SWMS documents on 02 8586 3523 or
Site WHS Basic Templates (Site Safety Plans)
The NSW WHS Act 2011, places a primary obligation on a person conducting a business or undertaking, to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, that workers and other persons are not exposed to health and safety risks arising from the business or undertaking.
One of the most effective ways to manage safety is to implement a Site Safety Plan (SSP). A SSP is a written plan that sets out the arrangements for managing commonly experienced site health and safety matters.
A SSP contains names of persons at the workplace whose positions or roles involve specific health and safety responsibilities.
For example, site supervisors, project managers, first aid officers, arrangements for consultation, cooperation and coordination, incident management, site-specific health and safety rules and how people will be informed of the rules, arrangements to identify and assess safety risks as well provisions to monitor and review SWMS.
This service is aimed at helping Principal Contractors to develop a simple and easy to understand SSP for each of their sites.
Price to order a SSP:
- Member: $850 +GST
- Non Member: $1,250 +GST
*Note no training is available with this option.
山 Management Systems
Work Health Safety Management System (WHSMS)
Construction projects where construction work costs $250,000 or greater, must have a written WHS management plan prepared by the principal contractor before work on the construction project commences as required by NSW WHS Regulation 309.
The WHS management plan must be in writing and prepared by the principal contractor before a project commences. It should be easily understood by workers (including contractors and subcontractors) and be site specific.
Master Builders template WHSMS has been designed and developed to be used as a site safety folder. The template is set out in the same order that site personnel would sequentially carry out the works. Consequently, the more frequently used forms are located towards the front of the site safety folder and less frequently used ones are located towards the back. This also means that the WHSMS can be used as a Project Management Plan.
Master Builders WHSMS template has been gap-audited by a JAS-ANZ certifying body and is compliant with WHS NSW Government Management System Auditing Guidelines 6th Edition Dec 2019and AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018.
Price to order a WHSMS:
- Member: $2,250+ GST
- Non Member:$4,500+GST
Environmental Health Safety Management System (EHSMS)
The beauty of the EHSMS is that it combines WHS and EHS, streamlining both elements into one system. What was a WHMS now becomes a Environmental, Health Management System. This useful system combines basic features such as site and environmental inspections, safety and environmental reporting as well as safety and environmental risk assessments.
Master Builders EHSMS template complies with ISO 45001:2018, Work Health Safety Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines 6th Edition Dec 2019, ISO14001:2015, Environmental Management Systems Guidelines 4th Edition Dec 2019.
Price to order an EHSMS:
- Member: $3,300 + GST
- Non Member: $6,600 + GST
Quality Health Safety Management System (QHSMS)
The QHSMS integrates the WHSMS and relevant provisions of the ISO9001:2015 to conform to Quality Management Requirements.
Master Builders QHSMS template has been gap-audited by a JAS-ANZ certifying body and complies with WHS NSW Government Management System Auditing Guidelines 6th Edition Dec 2019,NSW Government Quality Management System Auditing Guidelines 4th Edition Dec 2019,AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018and ISO9001:2016.
Price to order a QHSMS:
- Member Cost: $4,150 + GST
- Non Member Cost $8,300 +GST
Integrated Management System (IMS)
This complete IMS has been developed to specifically incorporate the essential elements of safety, environmental and quality management.
Master Builders IMS template has been designed for the builder who wants to implement a system to cover safety, environmental and quality management system prerequisites which satisfy NSW Government requirements or those that a client may require.
Master Builders IMS template complies with AS45001:2018, Work Health Safety Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines 6th Edition Dec 2019, ISO9001:2016, ISO14001:2016, Environmental Management Systems Guidelines 3rd Edition August 2013. Complies with "ACT Prequalification for Construction" requirements.
Price to order an IMS:
- Member Cost $6,300 + GST
- Non Member Cost $12,600+ GST
All members who purchase a Management System will receive an electronic template version indexed on a USB Stick. Additionally, the Work Health and Safety Management System purchased by members is inclusive of 2-3 hours training in the cost (within the Sydney basin area).
Accreditation of Contractors WHS Management Systems
山 is a Federally Registered Organisation under the Fair Work Act 2009 and is therefore able to provide ACCREDITATION for contractors’ Safety, Quality and Environmental Management Systems under NSW Government Guidelines.
Additionally, the 山 Safety Department staff are certified Exemplar Global Lead Auditors who are accredited with JAS-ANZ.
Contractors seeking ACCREDITATION of their Management Systems are required to meet the following NSW Government Guideline requirements:
- NSW Government WHS Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines 5th edition, September 2013 (Updated May 2014)
- NSW Government Quality Management Systems Guidelines for Construction, 15 August 2013
- NSW Government Environmental Management Systems Guidelines 3rd Edition, August 2013 (Updated 30 May 2014)
For enquiries regarding these products, please contact the 山 Safety Department on 02 8586 3523.
SuperSafe Course
SuperSafe is a two day Building and Construction Industry specific work health and safety training course targeted at construction site supervisors.Supersafe has been developed on behalf of the Construction Safety Alliance (CSA) with the support and assistance of Master Builders as well as WorkCover NSW.
The course has been designed to reflect current approaches to developing a safety culture in the construction industry and has been aligned with parts of the Construction Safety Competency Framework (CSCF), “Improving OHS performance by creating and maintaining a safety culture” and Cert IV WHS.
Asbestos and Silica Awareness Briefing
Uncontrolled cutting, grinding or drilling of products or materials containing crystalline silica can generate hazardous levels of airborne dust. Breathing in this dust, usually over several years, leads to serious and fatal lung disease such as silicosis.
Silicosis can kill, but exposure to silica dust is preventable. SafeWork NSW is spreading this message by educating workers and the public about the risks of exposure.
Eliminate or Substitute the Risk
Isolate the Hazard
Engineering Controls
Administrative Controls
Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE)
Anyone who works with manufactured stone, concrete, bricks or rock.
山 Office - 52 Parramatta Road Forest Lodge 2037
Parking is not available at 山 Offices for the duration of the course.
Course can also be provided at your location if in Metro Sydney if possible.
Up to 10 employees - $500 +GST
Up to 15 employees - $750 +GST
Up to 20 employees - $1,000 +GST
To register your attendance for this course please complete the form on the second page and email it back to the 山 Safety Department using the details at the bottom of the form.
Please note that a confirmation email will be sent to you with full details.
Contact the Master Builders Safety Department on (02) 8586 3555 or
Establishing and maintaining a worksite Course
Establishing and maintaining a worksite
$140.00(inc GST)
This Construct NSW course will provide you with the knowledge to create a safe and effective construction site, including:
- planning to ensure daily construction activities, hazards and safety risks are assessed, control measures are implemented, and you are able to adapt to any changes that arise during construction
- communicating effectively with contractors and other persons (duty holders) on-site
- carrying out rudimentary checks, for example, on signage, perimeter fencing, scaffolding, mobile plant, sediment barriers etc.
- reviewing and updating key documentation, such as HRCW, SMWS’s, construction program, designs, site inductions etc.
- making sure contractors understand and acknowledge their specific roles and responsibilities
- location of the site ‘shed’, key documentation and facilities (amenities).
This course is aimed at all NSW construction and building practitioners, including developers, builders, certifier, trades, suppliers, installers, manufacturers. This course is not limited to people who have a physical presence on the construction site. Corporate partners will also benefit from this course.
As you work through the course you will have the opportunity to answer some questions and progressively check your understanding. Complete the assessment quiz and the feedback activity to obtain your CPD certificate of completion.
Duration: 2 hours
Delivery: Online – 6 months access
Proudly developed by the Office of the NSW Building Commissioner in partnership with the Master Builders Association.
Site Inspections and Audits
The Master Builders Safety Team can undertake inspections of construction workplaces to provide a written report outlining major WHS vulnerabilities.Advice can be provided in the following areas:
- Traffic Management Plans and procedures
- Requirements for identification of and removal of asbestos
- Scaffold requirements
- Electrical compliance
- On-site consultation arrangements
- Accident and emergency response procedures
- Site inductions
- Management Systems
- High Risk Construction Work (HRCW)
- Risk Management
- Safe Work Practices
- Member Cost: $195.00 per hour +GST.
- Non-Member Cost: $300.00 per hour +GST.
Dispute Resolution and Incident Response
The Master Builders Safety Team can assist members by providing:
- Safety related dispute resolution with unions.
- Advice on union right of entry as required by the NSW WHS Act 2011.
- Assist in compliance with SafeWork NSW notices and other compliance documents.
- Assistance with incident response and accident investigation
Dispute Resolution may occur additional costs.
Multilingual videos - WH&S Act
The 山 has produced a multilingual video on “The Work Health and Safety Act and Regulation – A Guide for Construction” supported by WorkCover NSW. View all available videos here
Silica Information - Oct 2024
Below information has been shared by SafeWork NSW
Video of SafeWork NSW Silica presentation
Q: When incorporating controls into SWMS, does working with silica become a new category of High Risk Construction work to be checked on the first page?
A: Working with Silica will be covered under the "Work in an area that may have a contaminated or flammable atmosphere" high risk construction work.
Q: When is the new COP being released?
A: Work has commenced on the National Code of Practice for Crystalline Silica Substances and until it is ready there is guidance available for PCBUs